There's less than four days to go before the sixth season of HBO's Game of Thrones wraps up Sunday with "The Winds of Winter", and after the shocking events of last week's episode.
We can't wait to find out what's in store during the longest episode in the show's history. Running 69 minutes in total, the tenth episode of the series' critically acclaimed latest run looks set to reveal Daenerys preparing to take Westeros with new ally Yara Greyjoy, while Arya looks set to be heading home to Winterfell. HBO has now released six new spoiler photos ahead of the season finale - take a look below.
Episode synopsis: “Season Finale. Cersei faces her trial.”
Daenerys and Tyrion will discuss her entry to the "great game." We bet Daenerys will set sail for Westeros by the end of the episode
Bran returns for the finale — this image appears set somewhere north of the Wall. Will he make it to Castle Black? Odds are Benjen is going to drop Bran and Meera off with the Night's Watch.
Jaime, Bronn, and the Lannister army are leaving Riverrun. They're going to head for Walder Frey's castle at the Twins.
Jaime and Walder will likely celebrate the recapturing of Riverrun thanks to Jaime's manipulation of Edmure Tully.
Meanwhile, in King's Landing, Loras and Cersei will be tried for their crimes against the Faith of the Seven. If our guess is correct, this will be an explosive scene (literally).
Davos is looking more angry than we've ever seen him. He wants justice for Shireen's death — which means trouble for Melisandre. Can she even be killed though? This will be an interesting mediation session for Jon Snow, who owes his life to Mel.
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