
Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale: “ Winds Of The Winters ” [Preview]

The season finale of Game of Thrones is almost here. We’re less than a week away from the conclusion of season 6, and we’re in for a very long episode intended to bring us answers to some of our most burning questions — but also to offer teasers of what’s to come in next year’s seventh season. The first trailer for episode 10 is already out,titled winds of the winters

Previous episode of Game of Thrones offered us an unexpectedly speedy resolution to the battle for Winterfell. Ramsay Bolton and his armies were crushed, but that doesn’t mean Jon Snow and Sansa Stark can rest easy now. Apparently there are plenty of enemies left, and they have to be able to trust each other.

Episode 10 will finally tell us what happens with Cersei, as her trial by the Faith Militant is near. Meanwhile, Walder Frey and Jaime Lannister toast at a banquet at Riverrun, and it’s all freakishly similar to the Red Wedding. Is Catelyn coming back?

Elsewhere, Littlefinger is about to tell Sansa he loves her, while Melisandre gets scolded by Ser Davos in front of Jon Snow.

Bran will likely have some telling vision in the season finale while Daenerys is getting ready for the real game. Titled The Winds of Winter, Game of Thrones episode 10 airs this coming Sunday night on HBO.


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