
The Flash Season 2 Episodes 20 Recap- Rapture: Will Barry Get His Speed Back?

A lot will happen in the upcoming episode of The Flash season 2, with Zoom enslaving Central City, Harrison Wells trying to recreate the particle accelerator explosion to get Barry Allen's speed back and Cisco coming face-to-face with his brother Dante's evil Earth-2 version called Rupture.

The episode opened with Cisco and Barry having cooked up a hologram of The Flash which helps keep up appearances that the speedster is still protecting Central City. Things seem to be working well but Barry is still mulling over whether to attempt Harrison Wells' plan to get his powers back: by recreating the particle accelerator explosion. After how the explosion impacted Central City on both parallel Earths, it should come as no surprise that Barry is not jumping at the chance to replicate it, even if it means becoming the best version of himself that he can be. Barry thinks things over and deals with very disparate opinions from his three parental figures: Wells who supports it, his father Henry who is against it, and Joe who will go with whatever Barry decides to do.

Cisco meanwhile “vibes” during a verbal sparring match with Harry, and sees his brother — or at least the Earth-Two version. This prompts Cisco to reach out to Dante, who’s more chilly than ever after their tandem kidnapping by the Snart family. But when Dante chases Cisco out of the bar after, they are confronted by the Earth-Two villain Rupture, who blames Cisco for murdering his brother Reverb. Sure ’nuff, Rupture removes his mask to reveal he is the other Dante.

This revelation doesn't quite ring true as we soon learn that Rupture is another pawn in Zoom's attempt to take over Earth-1. Caitlyn convinces Zoom not to kill the CCPD and she leaks information about Rupture's impending attack so Barry and Cisco can stop him. Livid at the betrayal, Zoom rushes to Jitters and kill all of the police officers there as well as Rupture. Barry runs in but Zoom reveals on the news that The Flash is a hologram and the city is his for the taking. This reveal is enough for Cisco to reveal his powers to his brother and the pair reconcile. Barry also comes to the decision that he will allow Wells to recreate the particle accelerator explosion.

As Barry struggles with his decision about Harry’s plan, Iris makes what is perhaps the “grand gesture” hinted at in T preview, saying, “I don’t know if can go through what I did the last time if you got hurt.” Alluding to his first trip to Earth-Two, after the Patty break-up, she said, “Barry, you’ve always had someone to come home to. Me. I’ve been thinking a lot about us,” married as they are in the future, and on Earth-Two. “I can’t help wondering if we’re meant to be together.” When Barry brings up his previously expressed feelings for Iris, she says, “I wasn’t available in that way,” being with Eddie and all, “but I am now. I need you to know it doesn’t matter to me if you’re The Flash or not. You are who I want to see if i have a future with.”

Barry's attempt to get back his speed remains one of the most gut-wrenching moments this show has ever done. Convinced that hundreds of metahumans will come out of the woodwork because of Zoom's press conference, Barry enters Wells' device which will focus the dark matter on his body while Cisco uses the Weather Wizard wand to channel a lightning bolt into Barry as well. With Henry, Joe, and Iris looking on, they begin the experiment. Writhing in pain, Barry endures the energy while Zoom witnesses what they are doing and rushes to STAR Labs. At the same time, Wally and Jesse break out and head towards the commotion. Almost at once, the explosion peaks and Barry's body is disintegrated while a flash of energy waves out and hits Wally and Jesse, knocking them unconscious. Zoom arrives and mocks them all for killing Barry Allen. He leaves and our team is left crushed by what they have done.

While Barry's "death" will clearly not last past next week's episode, this twist was notable because it all but guarantees that Wally West will now be a speedster himself. Wally, who became The Flash in the comics after Barry Allen, partnered with Jesse Quick (aka Liberty Belle) who also was called The Flash at one point. Both of them joined forces to defeat, you guessed it, Zoom. The team effort has worked pretty well on Arrow so having multiple speedsters will make for varied storytelling going into next season. While this episode felt like it lacked a worthy purpose for including Rupture, the closing act of this hour more than made up for it. I just hope that this isn't a tease for something that isn't going to happen. Bring on the Three Speedsters!


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