With the flash nearing the end of season 2,the stakes are higher than ever before.Last week episode was all about Barry home.The emotional episode took us through Barry past so that he could finally let go of his guilt over his mother death,as well as giving Barry back his speed power and potentially turning Wally and Jesse into speedster themselves.
This week episode of the flash Season 2 is finally wrapping up and the penultimate episode pulled no punches.With the meta-human invasion in full swing, the newly invigorated hero had to confront a very dark enemy before finally taking on his main villain in episode 22, titled “Incinvible.”
The penultimate episodes opened Zoom meta-human army has now been fighting in central city,it seems as though this is a big problem.Joe and rest is on the front line about to capture when the flash is more than capable of dealing with them,as he speed to the rescue.He’s running all over the city clearing an entire horde of meta-humans in second. It pretty impressive,given that he previously taken a full episode to dispose of the single threat,but that's what visiting the Speed Force does, apparently.
Since his incredible return from the speed force last week, however, it's not quite that easy. Barry is dealing with the meta-humans from Earth-2 with surprising ease, but it's proving difficult to get them all. Team Flash doesn't even know how many there are, and while most seem intent on causing chaos (as Zoom orders), there could be more hiding out in the shadows.
Still, Barry is confident that they will prevail. In fact, he's a little too confident. His time in the Speed Force has imbued him with feelings of invincibility, and it's concerning the rest of the team. Throughout the episode, his friends and family attempt to talk to Barry about the dangers of overconfidence, but he will not be shaken.
Last week episode ended with zoom giving Caitlin option to either be on her side or Barry as he enlisted an army of meta-humans to take over Earth-1.This week we learned that she had decided to choice for the latter,Unsurprisingly.Caitlin Back to Star lab,but not quite her old self.Dehydrated and in shock, not only is Caitlin a little shaken up, but she seems to be hallucinating. She sees Zoom around every corner, leading us to wonder if she'll truly recover from her ordeal.
After being hit with accelerator explosion,everyone seems waiting for Wally and Jesse to develop speedster powers.It’s seem were going to have to wait at least one more week .Meanwhile,Wally is showing up no sign of superpowers but still he determined to do his best help central city. He head out trying and take down some of the Meta-human of the Earth-2 on his own,much to the fury of his father.
Buildings have been coming down a lot in Central City lately, with Mercury Labs being demolished the previous night. The culprit is none other than Laurel lance (You heard right guys)but her evil Earth-2 twin Black Siren,but her is much stronger and capable of taking down a building.Starting with Mercury Labs. Barry is quick to save the occupants, including our old friend, Dr. Tina McGee — who knows The Flash's secret identity!
It's revealed that Siren is working for Zoom, as he tries to keep The Flash busy and away from his secret plans. She becomes the meta-human focus this week.She even comes close to taking Barry down, as the two face off and she blasts him with a decibel level that no human should be able to withstand. Barry's accelerated healing allows him to survive, but only just, and he ends up making it through after Wally (who overheard his destination during their talk about heroics) speeds up and hits her with his car. It just goes to show Wally doesn't need super speed to zoom in and save the day!
Meanwhile, back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Harry Wells have developed a sort of smart bomb for the meta-humans. It was previously discovered that people from Earth-2 vibrate at a different (higher) frequency than those on Earth-1. Using that, they created a noise that would knock out all the invaders in one fell swoop. They just need The Flash to generate enough speed around the city to power it. Just as they’re about to get started, they get an alert that Black Siren is planning to take out an entire apartment high-rise complex. Since they can’t have the hero in two places at once, Cisco develops a plan.
Now that Caitlin is back, he and her pose as their Earth-2 doppelgangers, Killer Frost and Reverb respectively, and distract Black Siren with a fake offer to overtake Zoom. Sadly, she quickly discovers them prompting Cisco to panic and generate a push attack from his hand for the first time. Although he can’t recreate it, it doesn’t matter as the smart-bomb begins to work. All the meta-humans collapse in the street and The Flash is able to round them all up in either Iron Heights prison or S.T.A.R. Labs. After some brief exposition about how they don’t plan to tell the group on “Arrow” about Laurel’s doppelganger, they decide it’s finally time to celebrate.
Claiming that it’s a celebration for Henry’s decision to stay in Central City so that Wally doesn’t figure out Barry’s identity, they host a little family dinner at the Wests’. If it sounds like things were going too well for a second to last episode of the season, that’s because they were. As they’re talking, Cisco has a vision of Earth-2 being completely destroyed and split down the middle. Just as he’s processing it, Zoom, who escaped back to Earth-2 to avoid the smart-bomb, returns and captures Henry. He calls out the Flash and the hero and villain run to the same house that Barry lost his mother. After an exchange of good and evil, Zoom murders Henry in front of the hero’s very eyes in the same spot where he had to watch his mother die.
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