
Outlander Season 2 Episode 10: Jamie’s Troops to Fight “Battle of Prestonpans” [Recap]

This week’s episode of “Outlander” is bookended by tragedy. We open to find Claire looking upon a ghastly sight. The decaying body of a Highlander as snow softly falls. It’s the first in a series of horrific images that shows signs of the war Claire and Jamie find themselves embroiled in despite all their efforts in Paris.

“Prestonpans” proves to be the second season’s strongest episode yet, returning several times to some central themes: the camaraderie of men in war and their fear of death. Even as the tone shifts from desperate to comedic, the episode feels as one, unlike many episodes from the first half of the season. As a result of its focus, Claire isn’t a main figure. She’s given a few standout moments at the end, but it’s really Jamie, Murtagh and the other men of “Outlander” that give this episode its power.

After a few setbacks, a group of Jacobites led by Jamie are able to surprise a British encampment. This battle is operatic, the soldiers moving in slow motion and framed by fog. The scene’s muted colors are contrasted by blood spurting from throats, abdomens and chests. It’s impressively choreographed and shot. While the Jacobites win this battle, the victory comes with a price.

Angus has always been a source of comic relief more than anything, but this episode fleshes out his character right before sending him off, revealing a surprising maturity and an altruistic streak.

While Angus doesn’t have a concussion, the cannon blast that hit him had a far more dangerous effect — internal bleeding. Claire can do nothing. Instead she, Dougal and Jamie can only hold him during his final moment. Blood bubbles from his mouth as he tries to call for Rupert. His eyes wide open, face flecked with blood — it’s a devastating image in an episode full of several.

Death colors every interaction in this episode. It even alters a broken relationship in an unexpected way.

It’s interesting to see how things between Jamie and Dougal shift. As the episode starts, they finally seem to be on the same page. Friendly, even. Jamie allows Dougal a moment of heroism as he treads across the marshland and braves British gunfire. But after Prince Charles orders Dougal taken out of the army, Jamie sees it as an opportunity to “promote” Dougal while actually getting him out of the way. “You champion me and exile me at the same time,” Dougal seethes. It seems Jamie’s time in France has allowed him to see the value in playing the long game rather than being led by passion.

The most emotionally powerful moments this week come from Duncan Lacroix, who plays Murtagh, as we witness the character reckon with fear.

“Every man has a part to play,” Murtagh says to Jamie. He eloquently discusses the nature of grand wars, like the one they find themselves in, and worries that his death and Jamie’s will prove to be meaningless. In a smaller battle their memory would live among their clan. But here? There is no such trade-off. The promise of the historical moment they find themselves in is that nothing is safe, not even that their memory will live on long after the war has ended.


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