
The Flash Season 2: Barry Allen Reunite With His long-Dead Mother In 'Runaway Dinosaur' episodes [Photos]

In last week’s episode, Barry Allen appeared dead and done for, after Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) tried to recreate the same particle accelerator explosion that gave him his superpowers. Unfortunately, he failed and Barry was sent to another universe where his loved ones talk to him on behalf of an unknown entity.

In the Upcoming episodes titled “The Runaway Dinosaur” In the released  promo images which gave us glimpse of the return of Nora Allen (Michelle Harrison) as Barry Allen mother.While her appearance in Season 1 is only fleeting, the sight of her is going to stir up old feelings in Barry, and make it a struggle to return back his own timeline because choosing his friends and the people of Central City means abandoning his mother one final time.

But has Barry found himself lost in time? Or is he lost in the speed-force, with the people that he's seeing simply being projections of his subconscious? And whose name is on the grave Barry sees, and why is he so shocked to see it? Has he just discovered the death of Laurel Lance? Or in a dramatic plot twist, is Barry Allen genuinely dead, and he's staring at his own grave in the afterlife? 

The next episode of “The Flash” titled “The Runaway Dinosaur” airs on May 10, and check out the new promo photos below!

Credit Image : CW


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