The episodes opens after the flash defeat by Zoom,where the demonic speedster stole his speed force power.This is the first time in over a year Barry Allen hasn't has his speed power.Now Barry has to learn to life gain as normal person without the benefits that speed power offered him.He back to doing forensic work the old fashion way.more importantly without his powers,he and the S.T.A.R labs team have to resort to trickery and technology when taking on other meta-human.
Harrison wells is furious that the flash failed and not only lost his powers,but gave Zoom ability between worlds again.Harrison wells spends time on the episodes searching for his runaway daughter Jesse.He narrows down her location through cellular dead zones and attempts to bring her back with him But Jesse is done with her father she can't just forget that he killed someone,even if it as part of her safety.she tell him she fears him just as much as she fears zoom.
Unfortunately on the ways home he runs in to meta-human who crushes the front of his van and kidnaps harry ,Obviously since so many people believes he's the man that caused the infamous particle accelerator accident,he's he man that can cure their meta-human symptoms.
While that's happening,wells wake up on Earth-1 and meet his captor,Griffin Grey.He tells the scientist that he needs to reverse what happened to him.Grey reveals that the process has aged him rapidly and.Barry,Joe and Cisco enlist Jesse help and manage to track Grey to a warehouse. However,without flash,the meta human get away and seriously injures Barry in the process Cisco has came up with a plan to stop Grey.Barry noticed during their last fight that Grey aged as he exerted energy.Although the Flash doesn’t have his powers, the hope is to make Grey believe it long enough to use too much of his power.
Together, the trio head to the amusement park and encounter Grey, who was in the middle of trying to beat Wells to death for not being able to reverse his condition. With some clever lighting work, the hero manages to outmaneuver Grey long enough for him to age into an elderly man and die.
Caitlin wake up to find herself handcuffed in zoom lair.He tool her captive before leaving Earth-1 last week,at the ends of last week episodes,Caitlin made a passionate plea to any part of Hunter Zolomon that actually cared about her to spare Barry life.It turn out he took her because he is in love with her.
Meanwhile, Caitlin finds a way to break her doppelganger out of her cell, only for Killer Frost to live up to her title and try to murder her. Obviously, Caitlin is no match for a meta-human, but she’s got the love of the universe’s most maniacal speedster on her side. Zoom shows up and kills Frost and makes it clear to Caitlin that if she tries to escape again, he’ll kill his other prisoner.
In Zoom’s lair, he’s explaining to Caitlin that he’s doing her a favor by keeping him by his side. He is literally capable of bringing her the world. His demented mind morphs the conversation into a plea to her that he’ll demonstrate his love by bringing her world to its knees. Fortunately, Wells is hatching a brilliant high-concept scheme of his own. He wants to get Barry his speed back, and he’s going to create another particle accelerator explosion in order to do it.
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