
The Flash Is Officially Doing Flashpoint In Season 3

The season finale of The Flash‘s season 2 ended with a huge and potentially show-changing cliffhanger–which saw Barry Allen traveling back in time again to save his mother from the Reverse Flash, something he tried and ultimately decided against in the first season’s culmination.

But this time, he prevented her murder, and one of the final images we saw was season two Barry fading from existence, meaning that by saving her, Barry forever altered the timeline. But how much was it altered? Fans have speculated what it could mean for next year, and it was previously reported that the first episode of "The Flash" season 3 will be called "Flaspoint" Grant Gustin comfirm the news with a tweet.

The original "Flashpoint" storyline in the DC comics featured Barry Allen/The Flash waking up in an alternate timeline without his speed and as a result the world is in chaos due to war between Wonder Woman and the Amazons against Aquaman and the Atlanteans.

But if you think the show will follow either of these versions exactly, Gustin assured people it would blaze its own trail, much like it has since the beginning.


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